The pictures from last night were taken by a security guard. He was really nice. He was inside the store most of the time, but he watched us from the lobby and made sure we were safe all night. I had one of the best night's sleep that I've had in a long time.
The last two pictures on the right are this morning's pictures. I woke up around 6:15 am and this was my view. Around 7 am, one of the supervisor's for this grand opening event pulled up on his bullet bike and took this picture of us. Yes, we were the only two people until around 7:30 am when two more people joined us. I guess you could say we were either die hards, or nut cases, or both. Oh, and my awesome friend Britney cut my hair yesterday too!! I'll show the pictures in another post. I just couldn't stand having my hair get so long and it was really quite she spiced it up for me and did an AWESOME JOB!!
Britney Shepherd
Regis Salon: Fashion Show Mall
3200 S. Las Vegas Blvd
Oh, and even if you're just visiting Vegas, you should really stop by Fashion Show for a new do or a trim. She's awesome at styling and updos.
wow, angie...hardcore camper, fan of rei, and a good friend! hope you get good use out of your nalgene bottle and that the gift card was worth it! and i thought vegas was warm, but you look pretty bundled up...explain.
You are hardcore for camping out! I hope you got a good giftcard. We just had a new REI open in Ann Arbor, MI, and I drove over there the morning of and there was a HUGE crowd. I didn't even think to get there any earlier. You were so smart to camp out! We didn't get a gift card, but they had extra Nalgenes, so that was good. We barely got one of those, though. You are the real creative one! I love your Kid's Philosophy site. I wish Keira would wear a barrette for more than 5 minutes.
Crazy the things mom's do, to have a night away from kids! That's awesome that you guys were the only two all night!!! How much was the gift card for?
yeah, thank you again for doing this with me. I had such a good time, you are an AWESOME friend. honestly this memory wouldn't be so sweet if you weren't there with me. I'm glad we did this,even if we didn't get anything it would have been worth it. I love that you are up for adventure!
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