Tuesday, October 28
A gymnast in the making...
Sunday, October 26
Grandmother's Buttermilk Cornbread
Roasted Lemon Herb Chicken
Okay, so I FINALLY cut Cooper's amazing hair!! I'm so sad to see it go, but I think I have the same mentality for my kid's hair that I have for my own..."it'll always grow back." Steph and I figured that since pool season was over Cooper could have his short hair back. No need to look like a surfer anymore. We'll grow it back out next spring. Here are before and after pictures...doesn't he look like a totally different kid? I actually cut it even shorter, which I'll take a picture of tomorrow, and after I finished his hair today I asked Jake (again for the nth time) if I could cut his hair. He finally let me!! I'll have to get a picture of Cooper and Jake's haircut together.
Friday, October 24
Have you ever felt like...
you just couldn't remember anything? I feel like that lately. If I don't write it down right away it will probably be forgotten. Anyways, here are some pictures of the kids at Gilcrease Orchards last week. It was our special outing for the weekly playgroup we have. I promised I would take them, even though I heard that it was already pretty picked over. The kids had a blast. Cooper and Hailey especially had fun when Cooper found an eggplant. We didn't take the eggplant home, nor did I take a picture (unfortunately...it was soo cute and small). They were so excited to take home a pumpkin and I let them decorate it with markers as soon as we got back.

Wednesday, October 22
Marie-Therese Gown GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!
Marie-Therese Gown GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!
This is one of the most amazing gowns I've ever seen...you've got to check this out. I found this blog from Tani's favorite links (or something like that). Check it out though!! If you have a little girl you'll just have to have this dress.
This is one of the most amazing gowns I've ever seen...you've got to check this out. I found this blog from Tani's favorite links (or something like that). Check it out though!! If you have a little girl you'll just have to have this dress.
Tuesday, October 21
Family Home Evening Activity!

Last night we went to the Bellagio to see their new conservatory with Steph, Tim and Mackenzie. It was so cool. They had Ents (which reminded me of the "Lord of the Rings" series), huge pumpkins (fake of course, but they were still cool), and tons of these little habenero chili pepper (or maybe they were thai chilis) plants that were red, yellow, and orange. I didn't realize that they were peppers until I stopped to look at them. Of course Jake noticed right away and he made sure to point out to the kids to refrain from picking and eating these plants. The kids had a blast at seeing all the moving trees and venus fly traps. Cooper was particularly enchanted by the venus fly traps. He'd never seen them before. Everytime we turned around he was staring at them and walking toward them as if he was in a trance. It's a good thing there were 4 of us adults around to keep an eye on him.

Go figure - we finally get a picture of the kids all doing the same thing. It's too bad they weren't all looking at me.
Steph and I were at the park yesterday too...Kenzie can't get enough of the slides. She finally wanted to do a little exploring though and I realized the kids were all on the fake rock wall. Of course I was smart enough to bring my camera (for once) and we got a cute picture of the kids together.

Monday, October 20
Maya Road is on the TOP of my list...
I just wanted to let everyone know that Maya Road has the best customer service ever!! I had a clear stamp set and two of the stamps were connected. When I tried to take them apart, they both tore a little. I was so bummed, so I emailed them and in less than 12 hours they emailed me back and said they were sending a replacement as soon as I emailed pictures to them. How cool is that? And then not even a week later I have the replacements, plus an extra singleton stamp they included! I LOVE Maya Road!! They have awesome scrapbooking and stamping products. By the way...Basic Grey is amazing too. I had a problem with one of their stamps and they had me mail mine back and replaced the whole set! Customer service is huge to me...so props to them!! If you scrap or stamp, buy Basic Grey and Maya Road. They stand by their product.
Sunday, October 19
All I have from Katelyn's Birthday...
Are two pictures. No, we didn't really do gifts (just a couple), and I made a yellow ice cream cake with cookies & cream ice cream and chocolate ganache frosting, but I forgot to take pictures of the cake before we cut it - she she had a piece of cake with 1 candle in it. It's okay though, she still doesn't know how to blow out candles anyway. Am I lame?? Don't answer that - I already know what you guys think... Anyway, here are the two pictures.

Okay, so maybe she does look a little disappointed in the picture, but she was really happy, I promise.
As I was looking in the folder for this picture, I found another one that I have to post, b ecause it's pretty funny. My Kate has a friend named Katelyn (her mom is my visiting teacher - and she's really the best visiting teacher), but they're about 10 months apart. I'm sure you'll be able to tell in this photo that Kate's friend is a little taller. Guess who's older?? My Kate. She's really quite pygmy-ish, but don't let her fool you. She can hold her own. Kate always gets excited when she sees Katelyn, but it's a little confusing because they never can tell who's talking to who. I guess that happens when you have friends with the same name.

This is what else the kids have been up too - since September. I'm still a month behind. They LOVE to pretend cook, Katelyn loves to take Kenzie on rides (well, not always, but sometimes when she thinks it's cute or when Steph and I put them both on the car together), and this was one of the last pool days that the kids had before I decided Cooper needed a new hangout.
I'll have to do one more post for September - as it was Cooper's 1st day of pre-school and he's been having a blast ever since. I'll post a couple of his firsts, since he just had his 1st day of gymnastics class. The Silver Mesa Recreation Center has some great classes, and the best part about it is that it's affordable and the building is REALLY clean.
Okay, so maybe she does look a little disappointed in the picture, but she was really happy, I promise.
This is what else the kids have been up too - since September. I'm still a month behind. They LOVE to pretend cook, Katelyn loves to take Kenzie on rides (well, not always, but sometimes when she thinks it's cute or when Steph and I put them both on the car together), and this was one of the last pool days that the kids had before I decided Cooper needed a new hangout.
Wednesday, October 15
Fishing and the Priest Lake Cabin
Okay, I don't know many 4 1/2 yr olds who love fishing more than this guy here. Seriously, he was so excited about this trip that he kept talking about it for weeks before and weeks after. Honestly, he still talks about it. Oh, and that giant to the right of the picture...that's Uncle Landan, (also known as Cooper and Katelyn's personal body guard.) So, Cooper, Katelyn, and I all went to Spokane around September 5th. Yes, it was a long time ago - I'm lame when it comes to posting. We went there because we just sold a house we were renting to massage therapists, and I had to sign the closing documents and get my stuff out of there before the official closing. Thank goodness that Land
Cooper and Katelyn posing for Grandpa. Cooper practicing his "roping skills."
Grandpa was teaching the kids how to rope on our last day there. They were practicing out in front of the cabin. I'm pretty sure they were having a blast, but I made Cooper leave the rope at the Grandpa's house. I definitely didn't want any rope accidents when I got home. By the way, you don't see any pictures of Jake's mom and I because we were hiding in the cabin, engrossed in the "Twilight" series.
Thursday, October 9
TAGGED!! 7 Facts About Me...
Here's how to play:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I'm 30 years old and still scared of the dark. No really, I am. When I was little, my parents use to think it was funny to run up the stairs ahead of my sister and I and turn all the lights off and jump out and scare us as we were running up the stairs to our room. The first thing I do when I'm in someone's house or move into a new place I look for the light switches. If I'm by myself I'll test them all to see which lights they go to so I can move from room to room with at least 1 light on.
2. I'm a "jack-of-all-trades," master of none. I've always been able to do a lot of things and be good at them, but I've never been the best at anything. Unfortunately I think I've got the genetic Chinese ability to copy but not be an original creator.
3. I've got a tiny scar on my forehead from a .44 magnum pistol. Some friends of mine at BYU took me shooting in Payson, UT. We didn't wear any ear muffs and I did fine with the rifles. Apparently, a .22 rifle is way different than a .44 pistol. The pistol was on a towel laid on the hood of an old Ford Tempo, and when I pulled the trigger the noise was so loud it scared me and the pistol kicked right as I let go of it, so my forehead took a huge kick and I dropped the gun on the ground.
4. I have a lot of big ideas that never go very far. Every once in a while I have some crazy idea that I think can be a business, but then I think of all the work that it's going to take and on top of that being a mom, and I get overwhelmed and give up. I know, lame. If you look at the older posts on my blog there are pictures of aprons. I had a little short-lived apron business where I picked these fabrics and design, had them made (when I was in China I had a great seamstress) and then sold them. I think I sold about 28 or so, and these are the ones I still have left. I also make hairbows, baby wrap carriers, and slings...but none have made it to big business. So here I am, the daughter of 2 entrepreneurs and always dreaming of new ideas.
5. I planned on going to law school after I graduated at BYU. Yes, it was my idea to become a lawyer and specialize in family law - hoping to help those women who were wronged in custody battles or to help couples with adoptions. I even took the LSAT, but I knew I'd have to re-take it to get into to the top schools, (I set my sights on UC Berkley). I married Jake though and the LSAT was so unappealing to me that I procrastinated until I had Cooper. Now I'd like to study graphic design when my kids are all in school.
6. When I was pregnant with Cooper, I ate 5 lbs of fuji apples from Buska Farms every week. The farmer's market across the street from us in San Leandro, CA had this stand that had AWESOME fujis. They were so sweet and crispy and just perfectly sized for a snack. On the weekends that I was out of town, I'd have my friend Stephanie May pick some up for me. When I became pregnant with Katelyn, I ordered a box of apples from Buska Farms and he even remembered who I was.
7. When I was 3 months pregnant with Cooper, I went on a week-long white-water rafting trip and swam the "eye of the needle" rapid due to intense family peer pressure. I couldn't say no to my brother-in-law, husband, sister-in-law, and Jake's cousins. I thought I was going to die - I'm not a big water lover outside of the pool, but I made it through the 2 huge rapids and as I attempted to swim towards shore I had to call for someone to pull me in. Thank goodness I had the "golden child..." (Cooper was the first grandson on both sides.)
I tag ....
1. Kim
2. Julie
3. Kim
4. Amy
5. Tamara
6. Stephanie
7. Christy
If you were already tagged before and I missed it, then forget it. For anyone else who would like to do it, it's fun! Please share!
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I'm 30 years old and still scared of the dark. No really, I am. When I was little, my parents use to think it was funny to run up the stairs ahead of my sister and I and turn all the lights off and jump out and scare us as we were running up the stairs to our room. The first thing I do when I'm in someone's house or move into a new place I look for the light switches. If I'm by myself I'll test them all to see which lights they go to so I can move from room to room with at least 1 light on.
2. I'm a "jack-of-all-trades," master of none. I've always been able to do a lot of things and be good at them, but I've never been the best at anything. Unfortunately I think I've got the genetic Chinese ability to copy but not be an original creator.
3. I've got a tiny scar on my forehead from a .44 magnum pistol. Some friends of mine at BYU took me shooting in Payson, UT. We didn't wear any ear muffs and I did fine with the rifles. Apparently, a .22 rifle is way different than a .44 pistol. The pistol was on a towel laid on the hood of an old Ford Tempo, and when I pulled the trigger the noise was so loud it scared me and the pistol kicked right as I let go of it, so my forehead took a huge kick and I dropped the gun on the ground.
4. I have a lot of big ideas that never go very far. Every once in a while I have some crazy idea that I think can be a business, but then I think of all the work that it's going to take and on top of that being a mom, and I get overwhelmed and give up. I know, lame. If you look at the older posts on my blog there are pictures of aprons. I had a little short-lived apron business where I picked these fabrics and design, had them made (when I was in China I had a great seamstress) and then sold them. I think I sold about 28 or so, and these are the ones I still have left. I also make hairbows, baby wrap carriers, and slings...but none have made it to big business. So here I am, the daughter of 2 entrepreneurs and always dreaming of new ideas.
5. I planned on going to law school after I graduated at BYU. Yes, it was my idea to become a lawyer and specialize in family law - hoping to help those women who were wronged in custody battles or to help couples with adoptions. I even took the LSAT, but I knew I'd have to re-take it to get into to the top schools, (I set my sights on UC Berkley). I married Jake though and the LSAT was so unappealing to me that I procrastinated until I had Cooper. Now I'd like to study graphic design when my kids are all in school.
6. When I was pregnant with Cooper, I ate 5 lbs of fuji apples from Buska Farms every week. The farmer's market across the street from us in San Leandro, CA had this stand that had AWESOME fujis. They were so sweet and crispy and just perfectly sized for a snack. On the weekends that I was out of town, I'd have my friend Stephanie May pick some up for me. When I became pregnant with Katelyn, I ordered a box of apples from Buska Farms and he even remembered who I was.
7. When I was 3 months pregnant with Cooper, I went on a week-long white-water rafting trip and swam the "eye of the needle" rapid due to intense family peer pressure. I couldn't say no to my brother-in-law, husband, sister-in-law, and Jake's cousins. I thought I was going to die - I'm not a big water lover outside of the pool, but I made it through the 2 huge rapids and as I attempted to swim towards shore I had to call for someone to pull me in. Thank goodness I had the "golden child..." (Cooper was the first grandson on both sides.)
I tag ....
1. Kim
2. Julie
3. Kim
4. Amy
5. Tamara
6. Stephanie
7. Christy
If you were already tagged before and I missed it, then forget it. For anyone else who would like to do it, it's fun! Please share!
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